Taking a tour around Central America with our delicious coffees!
Most countries in Central America produce and export coffee beans (fun fact!) Central America produces very unique, complex, and delicious coffees. We’re so lucky at Velo to have a wide variety of coffee beans from all over Central America - there’s definitely something to suit everyone’s taste buds! Central America is home to some of our favourite coffees here in the office. Central America extends from Mexico to Panama, and even has a nickname, “The Bean Belt” because of its ideal environment for growing beans. So, let’s really get into the coffee now!
Our first stop is Mexico with our Innovation Extended Fermentation coffee from the Veracruz region. This has definitely become a staff favourite with its delicious flavours of apple, chocolate, toffee, and toasted biscuit. The fermentation process of this coffee is really unique, and you can read more about it here!
Next we’ll head on over to Guatemala and check out one of our newest coffees from this region. Guatemala Jabiro comes from the Huehuetenango region. This region is in the high altitude mountains, which help to make this coffee a perfect example of what a great Guatemala coffee is. With delicious flavours of milk chocolate and nougat, you’ll be happily cycling right through the week!
Let’s make a stop in El Salvador; we have a number of coffees from this country! Fincas Las Mercedes has been around with us for the long haul! This coffee has flavours of milk chocolate, almond, shortbread, and hints of orange. This award-winning coffee is grown on the slope of the San Salvador Volcano - how cool is that?! It’s truly a great coffee, loved by many.
Fun fact: this next coffee is from the SAME coffee producer. This coffee, Las Mercedes Kenia Honey, is a microlot coffee from this region. Kenia Honey has delicious flavours of brown butter and toffee. It’s full-bodied, sweet, and one of our new favourites as well. Las Mercedes is surrounded by a nature reserve that even includes a mini rainforest!
Just one more coffee from this region, and you can guess, it comes from the same producer as the last two! Las Mercedes Pacamara Honey is sweet and syrupy with a quick floral punch. This is another microlot coffee. Although it’s from the same producer as the last two, there is quite a difference in its taste and flavours (all great, of course!) Thanks to microlots for being such different, unique coffees!
Nicaragua Samaria Las Minas is a microlot coffee produced by the Peralta family. The attitude and value that the farmers have has led them to producing great, high quality coffee beans! This coffee has a hint of sweet milk chocolate, balanced with notes of spiced apple and tart cherry. This is our head roaster’s favourite coffee!
Our last coffee from Nicaragua is a new one! Finca El Bosque is also produced by the Peralta family. The farm is nestled in lush forested hills, which is prime real estate for coffee producers. This coffee is complex and bright with flavours of raspberry nougat, pistachio, and summer berries!
We’ll head down to Costa Rica next for our Finca Los Tucanes for our last stop on the tour! This coffee has notes of salted caramel and blackberry, with a syrupy body and intense flavour! This coffee is produced by the Bonilla family. The family produces coffee beans to sell directly to coffee roasters and process their own coffee.
Well, we hope you enjoyed the tour of our Central American coffees! Maybe you found a new favourite along the way!