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The AeroPress method is a relatively inexpensive and portable brewing method. It steeps water and coffee together, and then uses a piston to create pressure and push the water through the coffee grounds through a paper filter. Some describe it as the middle ground between a filter coffee maker and an espresso machine.

The Traditional AeroPress Method  


      The water to coffee ratio can be adjusted according to your taste, but we recommend 15g of coffee per 250ml of water (i.e. 1 heaped AeroPress scoop per standard cup).

      Building your Coffee:
      1. Boil fresh water.
      2. Place a filter paper into the cap and rinse. This is to remove any paper taste.
      3. Twist cap with wet filter onto AeroPress. 
      4. Grind 15g of coffee to a medium grind (we offer a free grinding service with all coffee purchased!)
      5. Place the brewer on the top of the mug cap-side down and add coffee
      6. Add hot water (we recommend 250ml) and give it a stir.
      7. Put the plunger in place and make sure it's sealed.
      8. Let the coffee sit for 2 minutes.
      9. Steadily plunge the liquid out over the course of 30 seconds (total brew time should take 2-3 minutes.)
      10. Enjoy!

      The Final Product:

      Brewing Velo Coffee in an AeroPress
      That's a fine looking cup of coffee!